The finest Golf Club in Luxembourg

Golf Academy

Train with the Champions

Take advantage and improve your game today with one of our professionals. You can contact them directly for prices and reservations, you have there contact details below.

Junior Training

23.04.2025 first junior training

Information and requests for Junior Training 
please contact with Mr. Steingrube:

Beginners Introduction / Schnupperkurs / Cour d`introduction


We would like to welcome you to the game of golf with our special offers.

Introductionary Course

1.5 Hours – 20€ p.p  (8 people required)


Greencard Package

10 x 1.5h – 250€ p.p (8 people required)

Greencard package will include a practical exam on the golf course.

You can sign up as a group or individually.

Balls & Material included.

Please contact our golf Reception This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book one of the following packages.


Mit unseren besonderen Angeboten heißen wir Sie herzlich zum Golfspiel willkommen.


1,5 Stunden – 20 € pro Person  (8 Personen erforderlich)



10 x 1,5 Stunden – 250 € p.P.  (8 Personen erforderlich)

Das Greencard-Paket beinhaltet eine praktische Prüfung auf dem Golfplatz.

Sie können sich als Gruppe oder einzeln anmelden.

Bälle und Material inklusive.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie unsere Golfrezeption This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., um eines der folgenden Pakete zu buchen.


Nous vous invitons à découvrir le golf avec nos offres spéciales.

Cours d'initiation

1h30 – 20€ p.p (8 personnes requises)


Forfait Carte Verte

10 x 1h30 – 250€ p.p (8 personnes obligatoires)

Le forfait Greencard comprendra d’un examen pratique sur le parcours de golf.

Vous pouvez vous inscrire en groupe ou individuellement.

Balles et matériel inclus.

Merci de contacter notre Réception de golf au This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. pour réserver l'un des forfaits suivants.

Do you need more Information?

For further Information about the  Academy or Training Sessions get in touch!

Keep Connected

Stay up to date by subscribing to our newsletter.

* I have read the privacy policy and accept it.


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Kikuoka Country Club

Scheierhaff 100
L-5412 Canach
Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Phone +352 35 61 35
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